What is your investment strategy?

  • Horses, well, they are pretty obvious.
  • Zebras they are similar but remain somewhat obscure.
  • Unicorns are mythical creatures from a fictional world.

Many investors across the spectrum are seeking the next unicorn, while the jaded make a shift to invest in zebras, while others are more in favour of horses.

As an investor, and we all are regardless of how, how much or where, .... I’m interested in what’s your strategy.

Working with businesses for 25+ years assisting with creating pathways to a bigger future, the unicorn concept has always been a “thanks but no thanks” when approached for support. I’ve stayed an interested observer over the years of those projects, and sadly, not one has even become a zebra, let alone a credible horse.

How do the three creatures compare?

What does the myth, the obscure and the obvious stand for?

  • The Myth focuses on technology, apps and software.
  • The Obscure focuses on more mainstream industries.
  • While many see the obvious as just mundane or even boring.

My business and investment life has largely focused on the agri-food sector, pre-paddock to plate. Regardless of what else we do we all need to eat, and good food is cheap medicine.

A current observation in relation to agri-food projects I’m involved with who are seeking support, investors largely see them as horses.
Why I’m unsure?

In today’s complex world, simple is rare and invariably underappreciated.